Wednesday 21 October 2015

Polymorphism Powershell v5 Classes

I have been doing a lot of work lately with Microsoft's Desired State Configuration and creating custom class resources.  As the code is getting more complicated I came accross an instance where I wanted to extend a class to have different implementations put into a list.  After a quick google found no results I thought I would give it a go myself and sure enough it was just like c#

class Foo{
        $this.SomePram = $somePram
        return $null

class Bar : Foo{
    Bar([string]$somePram): base($somePram){

        return ("{0} Success" -f $this.SomePram)

class Bar2 : Foo{
    Bar2([string]$somePram): base($somePram){

        return ("{0} Success" -f $this.SomePram)

[Foo[]]$foos = @([Bar]::new("Bar"), [Bar2]::new("Bar2"))

foreach($foo in $foos){